A need of expressing myself and a small identity crisis with a hint of wanting my voice to reach others. One of the best decisions I’ve made to be honest. – Basant She, FAQs.

I begun my blogging journey for many, many reasons. I was a new university student studying abroad in an environment polar opposite to home. Even worse than that, I was genuinely bored. Bored of my comfortable surroundings. Bored of not having a channel of expression. After fully settling in and figuring out everything about this new environment, I noticed that I had nothing to work towards, like a high school club I was extremely passionate about. A bored state can be a dangerous thing but I actually believe this to be the aspect of my life at the time that caused me to want to pursue writing the most. My general disinterest to my surroundings brought me into a whole new world of writing. A little universe where I’m completely in control. A place I could bare my whole soul in writing.

Blogging became such a huge outlet for me. It was a form of therapy, a place I could vent for however long I wanted about anything.  This new sense of control was extremely freeing, I felt like I could conquer everything. I started out pretty excited just like any other blogger when they debut, a good two posts every week with my nose constantly glued to my laptop screen in marketing and leaving comments. I could discuss my anxiety and my attempts at annihilating it, talk about current events, and feel nostalgicI’d blog all day, every day. Thoughts of a Socially Anxious Extrovert became such a huge part of my everyday life, almost like an identity. I’d notice people knowing bits of information I hadn’t shared with them before and though it was a little odd, it added to the whole dominance vibe more. 

Peculiarly enough, it wasn’t just me who felt more powerful by blogging, there was this whole community in the shadows that breathed words and lived through writing. Authors, athletes, parents, students and adventurers. People from all over the world, all so different yet united through this simple mean of expression. It’s easy to say that I was kind of hooked to my blog, especially because I was surrounded by others with this similar obsession.

There’s usually a ‘but’ after a lot of positivity, isn’t there? Sadly, there’s one in this story as well. Baring my soul was so easy at the launch of my site, I could write about almost anything with immense enthusiasm but I’ve noticed that the more I write now, the more impassive I feel all while I do it. I’m not excitedly pouncing from one key to another while typing anymore, the words just don’t flow the same way. This is causing me a lot of issues honestly, I’m no longer as interested in the site as I used to. Is this what I’ve always read about, the dooming writer’s slump? I feel slightly trapped with something I love very much but I can’t clasp it at all.

Wow, that was dramatic. Forgetting all of that, no matter whether I’m in a slump or not, when I do manage to publish a post, it will always feel the same. This wonderful inner feeling of accomplishment, almost like I released a small part of my inner soul into the world.

38 thoughts on “Baring Your Soul in Writing

  1. I hope this is a just a low point in your lustrous blogging career. You have a great writing skills, and I like the messages you relay – very visceral and positive. I feel the same when I post on my site, probably with a little more enthusiasm since I’m so new, and I hope that feeling of accomplishment will never go away.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, that’s such a kind thing of you to say! I also hope it’s just a low point and I pick up the magnitude I once had again. Welcome to blogging, I’m glad you started out excited about your site as well, it’s honestly one of the best feelings! I’d also say that you’re doing really well for a new blogger 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day.

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for this good, honest post. Even though I’m new to blogging, I have felt similar to the slump you spoke about. For me, it’s important to keep blogging from feeling like work. When that happens my brain rebels and refuses to be imaginative.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, my pleasure! I completely agree with you, right when it stats to feel like a chore, it doesn’t have the same amount of magic to it anymore. Thank you very much for your comment and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day.

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually didn’t think so until I started looking at these very support comments, thank you very much 🙂 It’s a lot better now that I’ve posted this. Thank you for your comment and I hope you have a fantastic day ahead!

      Basant She

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m sure you are simply experiencing a lull. I find that, sometimes, it’s ok to put a hold of the expressing of one’s thoughts to take stock of others, so we can allow the pot of Opinion to simmer once more. Strangely, this is in line with comedians, just without the humour!
    I like the way you write. We’ve never met (Yet?!) but I can hear your voice while reading your words. That’s a good thing.
    Stay in the race, Basant She, as I heard a preacher say recently! At least, then, you have that 50% chance of finishing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m starting to think so as well because of all the support I’ve been getting. Thank you so much for complimenting my writing, it’s very sweet of you and thank you for taking time to leave a comment 🙂

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m from London originally. Living in New Jersey now, though. You should definitely reach out if you ever head this way! 🙂


  4. Hi. I have gone through a few slumps, with one where I lost interest that I thought that I should quit. A took a two week break and started writing again. Soon my blogging took a new direction – perhaps yours will, or you will find a new lease of life for blogging?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s lovely to hear, I’m glad that’s what ended up happening 🙂 I think this experience helped me further develop my understanding of my writing style in a way! Thanks for taking time to leave a comment and I hope you have a great day ahead of you.

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your style of writing. It is very personal, captivating and refreshing. Even though our lives don’t parallel, after reading, you feel like someone I would want to know better! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ever so much, it’s comment like these that make me adore blogging ❤ such a sweet thing of you to say! Thanks again and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day ahead of you.

      Basant She


  6. I publish three active blogs and have one under construction. I am not always on my game in any one of them, but can always find something to post about in one, or if not, I work on the one that is under construction. I have learned to pace myself and only commit to a small feature (uniform theme) in each on a weekly basis and I save my real creativity for irregular but important (to me) topics. I am not perfect and I am not always in a creative or educational mood, but my love of the written word keeps me going. Besant She, I am also 69 years old and most of my life is behind me ( not a sad statement, just a fact) you on the other hand have most of yours ahead of you. I promise that this will not be the last time you ask yourself “why do I do this, does it really matter”, nor do I suspect that this will be the largest crisis in your blogging (or living) career. Just remember these things: you are worthy, you write very well, your audience loves your work, and only the first of these matters. You are worthy, believe it!.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Mr. Robert, your comments never fail to put a huge smile on my face. Thank you so much for the motivation and your time, you are far too kind. The last words of advice were exceptionally perfect, they really inspired me. I hope I always have lovely readers like you that keep me going 🙂 I hope you have a lovely rest of the day!

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey there, I came over from the Community Pool. I totally get what you are saying and here’s my take: I think while we kind of have a plan when we start blogging the blog evolves over time. And so do we. This is a good thing but it is tricky at the same time. Tricky because what felt so easy to write about doesn’t necessarily fit the blog any longer. That’s why the words don’t flow the same way. I believe we all get there. I had an incredibly difficult time coming up with content in February and March and not because there was nothing happening in my life but because I couldn’t find the right way to put it in the appropriate words. I suddenly felt my posts were empty. But they’re not. Everything is just slowly taking shape and I believe that if we let it, we will get back to the place we started. Where the words will flow out of our fingers and onto the screen…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “What felt so easy to write about doesn’t necessarily fit the blog any longer.” I think that’s the perfect way to sum it up, it’s exactly how I feel. I’m glad you got out of your slump this month. Thank you for your really beautiful comment, I’m better understanding blogging because of all the feedback! I hope you have a lovely rest of the day and good luck with your blog.

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I know that feeling well, I have been blogging for over a decade and tappered off around 2013 for a number of reasons, am i oversharing to the point of leaving myself naked, am i getting over the idea of a blog .. I have recently just come back into blogging on a new platform.. so here goes nothing. Love your blog by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems to be a lot more common in the blogging community which really puts me at ease. I’m really glad you got back into the blogging scene, it’s a very rewarding process in my opinion. Thank you so much for leaving a comment!

      Basant She


    1. Thank you so much for your kindness 🙂 Having a sanctuary to fall back on is one of the best feelings in my opinion. Thank you for your comment and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day!

      Basant She


  9. I love your post! And you write beautifully! Very authentic and on point. I’m not even considering myself a writer, but I’m enjoying the blogging journey as much as you do or used to do. I don’t even know if anyone will read my posts, but I always feel very accomplished after pressing the “publish” button. And I love the blogging community. I already got in touch with so many interesting people. I will follow your blog now, too. Maybe you just need a little break from your blog? Just live your life, enjoy the world outside and I’m sure you will get a few more ideas and inspiration to right about. I feel that the most beautiful thing are often in your close proximity, sometimes you just don’t see them. Where are you studying? Enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, I’m so grateful you enjoyed reading it. I really do hope you start considering yourself a writer, it’s really part of the fun. I seem to have given you the impression that I don’t enjoy or like blogging but it’s something I genuinely love, it’s just I’m a bit panicky with it now I guess? Thank you for the follow, I really do appreciate it 🙂 I am somewhat taking a break from writing, I hope the words start flowing better and I’m starting to think it’s coming back thankfully. I am studying in Germany, if you’re interested about my experience so far please do check out my previous posts, you’ll find some fun stories there. Thanks again for this lovely comment and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day!

      Basant She

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am German!! That’s funny. Where are you? My family and I are from Cologne and I miss it a lot. I will definitely check out your older posts! My blog is about being a German living in California. Maybe you want to check it out? Have a good night 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. There’s actually a whole lot of German bloggers, it’s amazing :)) I’m pretty close to Cologne, that’s pretty cool. I’ll surely check out your blog! Good night to you too.

        Basant She

        Liked by 1 person

  10. This is a beautiful article.
    I can totally relate myself. I’m a brand new blogger and I dived into this pretty much for the same reasons.
    Though I do not blog on personal topics often, but I love to express my thoughts and opinions out loud in spite of my introvert nature and I just had to find a means of doing so.

    You’re doing great here, love your site!

    Liked by 1 person

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